Slack notifications

Closedslimsag opened this issue 8 years ago
slimsag commented 8 years ago

It would be great to have Slack notifications just like we have for Changesets!

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago

This would have to be implemented in Notification Center app and Tracker can use it.

Can you provide a little more detail? I personally don't miss Slack notifications too much; what about them do you find useful/valuable? I'd like to learn.

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renfredxh commented 8 years ago

I don't miss the Slack notifications too much either, but some people/teams may use them. To keep it consistent we should either have Slack enabled for all platform apps or none of them.

I agree that this should ideally be implemented in notification center to keep it simple. We can also get email notification for free this way (something people will definitely want).

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slimsag commented 8 years ago

Personally, I just want Slack notifications because they are real-time (with notification center I get notifications when I next refresh and look, which could be hours -- whereas with Slack I get notifications the-minute-of). Also, many other people use Slack as their central "notification center" so it'd be nice to integrate and work well there (nice to have).

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago

Thanks Stephen, that helps me understand better.

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago

Posted a review there with some questions/concerns, @keegancsmith.

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago

CS #10 has been merged, and it appears to be working now.

@slimsag, can you please confirm this is done, and close this issue if so?

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slimsag commented 8 years ago

Yep, good enough for now. I will create follow up threads for any remaining issues.

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slimsag closed this 8 years ago
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