Please include a copy of the license in the root of the repository

Closederiknstr opened this issue 7 years ago
eriknstr commented 7 years ago

Your README mentions that issuesapp is released under the terms of the MIT license.

Including a copy of the license in a file called LICENSE will allow GitHub to add which license is used for the repo to the info bar of the repository.

Furthermore including a copy of the license and setting the copyright year(s), author name and author e-mail address (or website if you don't want to reveal your e-mail address) in it will allow your users to live up to the license, which has the following among its requirements:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

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dmitshur commented 7 years ago

Hi @eriknstr,

Thanks for your interest in issuesapp. The license is indeed MIT.

You make sound arguments. I will fix this issue shortly.

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dmitshur closed this 7 years ago
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