Add repo parameter to ThreadType.

It's needed because in some meta-services that unify multiple
underlying services, the ThreadType changes depending on the RepoSpec.

Improve local variable name.

Similar to
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@@ -249,23 +249,22 @@ func stateFilter(query url.Values) (change.StateFilter, error) {
		return "", fmt.Errorf("unsupported state filter value: %q", selectedTabName)

func (s state) augmentUnread(ctx context.Context, es []component.ChangeEntry, is change.Service, notificationsService notifications.Service) []component.ChangeEntry {
func (s state) augmentUnread(ctx context.Context, es []component.ChangeEntry, service change.Service, notificationsService notifications.Service) []component.ChangeEntry {
	if notificationsService == nil {
		return es

	tt, ok := is.(interface {
		ThreadType() string
	tt, ok := service.(interface {
		ThreadType(repo string) string
	if !ok {
		log.Println("augmentUnread: changes service doesn't implement ThreadType")
		log.Println("augmentUnread: change service doesn't implement ThreadType")
		return es
	threadType := tt.ThreadType()

	if s.CurrentUser.ID == 0 {
		// Unauthenticated user cannot have any unread changes.
		return es
@@ -279,11 +278,13 @@ func (s state) augmentUnread(ctx context.Context, es []component.ChangeEntry, is
		return es

	unreadThreads := make(map[uint64]struct{}) // Set of unread thread IDs.
	for _, n := range ns {
		if n.ThreadType != threadType { // Assumes RepoSpec matches because we filtered via notifications.ListOptions.
		// n.RepoSpec == s.RepoSpec is guaranteed because we filtered in notifications.ListOptions,
		// so we only need to check that n.ThreadType matches.
		if n.ThreadType != tt.ThreadType(s.RepoSpec) {
		unreadThreads[n.ThreadID] = struct{}{}