Refactor issues.{Comment,Event} to changes.{Comment,TimelineItem}.
dmitshur committed 6 years ago commit 0f8a29f593306d1df80edb1bf7ae65434320eea4
Showing partial commit. Full Commit
Collapse all
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@ package changesapp

import (

	homecomponent ""
	issuescomponent ""

type Commits struct {
@@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ func (c Commit) Render() []*html.Node {

	avatarDiv := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.Div.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{{Key: atom.Style.String(), Val: "margin-right: 6px;"}},
	htmlg.AppendChildren(avatarDiv, issuescomponent.Avatar{User: c.Author, Size: 32}.Render()...)
	htmlg.AppendChildren(avatarDiv, component.Avatar{User: c.Author, Size: 32}.Render()...)

	titleAndByline := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.Div.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{{Key: atom.Style.String(), Val: "flex-grow: 1;"}},
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@ func (c Commit) Render() []*html.Node {

		byline := htmlg.DivClass("gray tiny")
		byline.Attr = append(byline.Attr, html.Attribute{Key: atom.Style.String(), Val: "margin-top: 2px;"})
		htmlg.AppendChildren(byline, issuescomponent.User{User: c.Author}.Render()...)
		htmlg.AppendChildren(byline, component.User{User: c.Author}.Render()...)
		byline.AppendChild(htmlg.Text(" committed "))
		htmlg.AppendChildren(byline, issuescomponent.Time{Time: c.AuthorTime}.Render()...)
		htmlg.AppendChildren(byline, component.Time{Time: c.AuthorTime}.Render()...)

		if commitBody != "" {
			pre := &html.Node{
				Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.Pre.String(),
@@ -1,47 +1,59 @@
package changesapp

import (


// timelineItem represents a timeline item for display purposes.
type timelineItem struct {
	// TimelineItem can be one of issues.Comment, issues.Event.
	// TimelineItem can be one of changes.Comment, changes.TimelineItem.
	TimelineItem interface{}

func (i timelineItem) TemplateName() string {
	switch i.TimelineItem.(type) {
	case issues.Comment:
	case changes.Comment:
		return "comment"
	case issues.Event:
	case changes.TimelineItem:
		return "event"
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown item type %T", i.TimelineItem))

func (i timelineItem) CreatedAt() time.Time {
	switch i := i.TimelineItem.(type) {
	case issues.Comment:
	case changes.Comment:
		return i.CreatedAt
	case issues.Event:
	case changes.TimelineItem:
		return i.CreatedAt
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown item type %T", i))

func (i timelineItem) ID() uint64 {
	switch i := i.TimelineItem.(type) {
	case issues.Comment:
	case changes.Comment:
		return i.ID
	case issues.Event:
	case changes.TimelineItem:
		return i.ID
		panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown item type %T", i))
@@ -56,5 +68,214 @@ func (s byCreatedAtID) Less(i, j int) bool {
		return s[i].ID() < s[j].ID()
	return s[i].CreatedAt().Before(s[j].CreatedAt())
func (s byCreatedAtID) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] }

// TODO: Dedup.

// tabnav is a left-aligned horizontal row of tabs Primer CSS component.
type tabnav struct {
	Tabs []tab

func (t tabnav) Render() []*html.Node {
	nav := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.Nav.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{{Key: atom.Class.String(), Val: "tabnav-tabs"}},
	for _, t := range t.Tabs {
		htmlg.AppendChildren(nav, t.Render()...)
	return []*html.Node{htmlg.DivClass("tabnav", nav)}

// tab is a single tab entry within a tabnav.
type tab struct {
	Content  htmlg.Component
	URL      string
	Selected bool

func (t tab) Render() []*html.Node {
	aClass := "tabnav-tab"
	if t.Selected {
		aClass += " selected"
	a := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.A.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{
			{Key: atom.Href.String(), Val: t.URL},
			{Key: atom.Class.String(), Val: aClass},
	htmlg.AppendChildren(a, t.Content.Render()...)
	return []*html.Node{a}

type contentCounter struct {
	Content htmlg.Component
	Count   int

func (cc contentCounter) Render() []*html.Node {
	var ns []*html.Node
	ns = append(ns, cc.Content.Render()...)
	ns = append(ns, htmlg.SpanClass("counter", htmlg.Text(fmt.Sprint(cc.Count))))
	return ns

// iconText is an icon with text on the right.
// Icon must be not nil.
type iconText struct {
	Icon func() *html.Node // Must be not nil.
	Text string

func (it iconText) Render() []*html.Node {
	icon := htmlg.Span(it.Icon())
	icon.Attr = append(icon.Attr, html.Attribute{
		Key: atom.Style.String(), Val: "margin-right: 4px;",
	text := htmlg.Text(it.Text)
	return []*html.Node{icon, text}

// commitMessage ...
type commitMessage struct {
	CommitHash string
	Subject    string
	Body       string
	Author     users.User
	AuthorTime time.Time

	PrevSHA, NextSHA string // Empty if none.

func (c commitMessage) Avatar() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(component.Avatar{User: c.Author, Size: 24}))

func (c commitMessage) User() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(component.User{User: c.Author}))

func (c commitMessage) Time() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(component.Time{Time: c.AuthorTime}))

// fileDiff represents a file diff for display purposes.
type fileDiff struct {

func (f fileDiff) Title() (template.HTML, error) {
	old := strings.TrimPrefix(f.OrigName, "a/")
	new := strings.TrimPrefix(f.NewName, "b/")
	switch {
	case old != "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null" && old == new: // Modified.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(new)), nil
	case old != "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null" && old != new: // Renamed.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(old + " -> " + new)), nil
	case old == "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null": // Added.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(new)), nil
	case old != "/dev/null" && new == "/dev/null": // Removed.
		return template.HTML("<strikethrough>" + html.EscapeString(old) + "</strikethrough>"), nil
		return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected *diff.FileDiff: %+v", f)

func (f fileDiff) Diff() (template.HTML, error) {
	hunks, err := diff.PrintHunks(f.Hunks)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	diff, err := highlightDiff(hunks)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return template.HTML(diff), nil

// highlightDiff highlights the src diff, returning the annotated HTML.
func highlightDiff(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	anns, err := highlight_diff.Annotate(src)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines := bytes.Split(src, []byte("\n"))
	lineStarts := make([]int, len(lines))
	var offset int
	for lineIndex := 0; lineIndex < len(lines); lineIndex++ {
		lineStarts[lineIndex] = offset
		offset += len(lines[lineIndex]) + 1

	lastDel, lastIns := -1, -1
	for lineIndex := 0; lineIndex < len(lines); lineIndex++ {
		var lineFirstChar byte
		if len(lines[lineIndex]) > 0 {
			lineFirstChar = lines[lineIndex][0]
		switch lineFirstChar {
		case '+':
			if lastIns == -1 {
				lastIns = lineIndex
		case '-':
			if lastDel == -1 {
				lastDel = lineIndex
			if lastDel != -1 || lastIns != -1 {
				if lastDel == -1 {
					lastDel = lastIns
				} else if lastIns == -1 {
					lastIns = lineIndex

				beginOffsetLeft := lineStarts[lastDel]
				endOffsetLeft := lineStarts[lastIns]
				beginOffsetRight := lineStarts[lastIns]
				endOffsetRight := lineStarts[lineIndex]

				anns = append(anns, &annotate.Annotation{Start: beginOffsetLeft, End: endOffsetLeft, Left: []byte(`<span class="gd input-block">`), Right: []byte(`</span>`), WantInner: 0})
				anns = append(anns, &annotate.Annotation{Start: beginOffsetRight, End: endOffsetRight, Left: []byte(`<span class="gi input-block">`), Right: []byte(`</span>`), WantInner: 0})

				if '@' != lineFirstChar {
					//leftContent := string(src[beginOffsetLeft:endOffsetLeft])
					//rightContent := string(src[beginOffsetRight:endOffsetRight])
					// This is needed to filter out the "-" and "+" at the beginning of each line from being highlighted.
					// TODO: Still not completely filtered out.
					leftContent := ""
					for line := lastDel; line < lastIns; line++ {
						leftContent += "\x00" + string(lines[line][1:]) + "\n"
					rightContent := ""
					for line := lastIns; line < lineIndex; line++ {
						rightContent += "\x00" + string(lines[line][1:]) + "\n"

					var sectionSegments [2][]*annotate.Annotation
					highlight_diff.HighlightedDiffFunc(leftContent, rightContent, &sectionSegments, [2]int{beginOffsetLeft, beginOffsetRight})

					anns = append(anns, sectionSegments[0]...)
					anns = append(anns, sectionSegments[1]...)
			lastDel, lastIns = -1, -1


	out, err := annotate.Annotate(src, anns, template.HTMLEscape)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return out, nil
@@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ import (
	reactionscomponent ""
@@ -571,11 +570,11 @@ func loadTemplates(state common.State, bodyPre string) (*template.Template, erro

		"render": func(c htmlg.Component) template.HTML {
			return template.HTML(htmlg.Render(c.Render()...))
		"event":            func(e issues.Event) htmlg.Component { return component.Event{Event: e} },
		"event":            func(e changes.TimelineItem) htmlg.Component { return component.Event{Event: e} },
		"changeStateBadge": func(c changes.Change) htmlg.Component { return component.ChangeStateBadge{Change: c} },
		"time":             func(t time.Time) htmlg.Component { return component.Time{Time: t} },
		"user":             func(u users.User) htmlg.Component { return component.User{User: u} },
		"avatar":           func(u users.User) htmlg.Component { return component.Avatar{User: u, Size: 48} },
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
package changesapp

import (

	issuescomponent ""

// TODO: Dedup.

// tabnav is a left-aligned horizontal row of tabs Primer CSS component.
type tabnav struct {
	Tabs []tab

func (t tabnav) Render() []*html.Node {
	nav := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.Nav.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{{Key: atom.Class.String(), Val: "tabnav-tabs"}},
	for _, t := range t.Tabs {
		htmlg.AppendChildren(nav, t.Render()...)
	return []*html.Node{htmlg.DivClass("tabnav", nav)}

// tab is a single tab entry within a tabnav.
type tab struct {
	Content  htmlg.Component
	URL      string
	Selected bool

func (t tab) Render() []*html.Node {
	aClass := "tabnav-tab"
	if t.Selected {
		aClass += " selected"
	a := &html.Node{
		Type: html.ElementNode, Data: atom.A.String(),
		Attr: []html.Attribute{
			{Key: atom.Href.String(), Val: t.URL},
			{Key: atom.Class.String(), Val: aClass},
	htmlg.AppendChildren(a, t.Content.Render()...)
	return []*html.Node{a}

type contentCounter struct {
	Content htmlg.Component
	Count   int

func (cc contentCounter) Render() []*html.Node {
	var ns []*html.Node
	ns = append(ns, cc.Content.Render()...)
	ns = append(ns, htmlg.SpanClass("counter", htmlg.Text(fmt.Sprint(cc.Count))))
	return ns

// iconText is an icon with text on the right.
// Icon must be not nil.
type iconText struct {
	Icon func() *html.Node // Must be not nil.
	Text string

func (it iconText) Render() []*html.Node {
	icon := htmlg.Span(it.Icon())
	icon.Attr = append(icon.Attr, html.Attribute{
		Key: atom.Style.String(), Val: "margin-right: 4px;",
	text := htmlg.Text(it.Text)
	return []*html.Node{icon, text}

// commitMessage ...
type commitMessage struct {
	CommitHash string
	Subject    string
	Body       string
	Author     users.User
	AuthorTime time.Time

	PrevSHA, NextSHA string // Empty if none.

func (c commitMessage) Avatar() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(issuescomponent.Avatar{User: c.Author, Size: 24}))

func (c commitMessage) User() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(issuescomponent.User{User: c.Author}))

func (c commitMessage) Time() template.HTML {
	return template.HTML(htmlg.RenderComponentsString(issuescomponent.Time{Time: c.AuthorTime}))

// fileDiff represents a file diff for display purposes.
type fileDiff struct {

func (f fileDiff) Title() (template.HTML, error) {
	old := strings.TrimPrefix(f.OrigName, "a/")
	new := strings.TrimPrefix(f.NewName, "b/")
	switch {
	case old != "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null" && old == new: // Modified.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(new)), nil
	case old != "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null" && old != new: // Renamed.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(old + " -> " + new)), nil
	case old == "/dev/null" && new != "/dev/null": // Added.
		return template.HTML(html.EscapeString(new)), nil
	case old != "/dev/null" && new == "/dev/null": // Removed.
		return template.HTML("<strikethrough>" + html.EscapeString(old) + "</strikethrough>"), nil
		return "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected *diff.FileDiff: %+v", f)

func (f fileDiff) Diff() (template.HTML, error) {
	hunks, err := diff.PrintHunks(f.Hunks)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	diff, err := highlightDiff(hunks)
	if err != nil {
		return "", err
	return template.HTML(diff), nil

// highlightDiff highlights the src diff, returning the annotated HTML.
func highlightDiff(src []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	anns, err := highlight_diff.Annotate(src)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	lines := bytes.Split(src, []byte("\n"))
	lineStarts := make([]int, len(lines))
	var offset int
	for lineIndex := 0; lineIndex < len(lines); lineIndex++ {
		lineStarts[lineIndex] = offset
		offset += len(lines[lineIndex]) + 1

	lastDel, lastIns := -1, -1
	for lineIndex := 0; lineIndex < len(lines); lineIndex++ {
		var lineFirstChar byte
		if len(lines[lineIndex]) > 0 {
			lineFirstChar = lines[lineIndex][0]
		switch lineFirstChar {
		case '+':
			if lastIns == -1 {
				lastIns = lineIndex
		case '-':
			if lastDel == -1 {
				lastDel = lineIndex
			if lastDel != -1 || lastIns != -1 {
				if lastDel == -1 {
					lastDel = lastIns
				} else if lastIns == -1 {
					lastIns = lineIndex

				beginOffsetLeft := lineStarts[lastDel]
				endOffsetLeft := lineStarts[lastIns]
				beginOffsetRight := lineStarts[lastIns]
				endOffsetRight := lineStarts[lineIndex]

				anns = append(anns, &annotate.Annotation{Start: beginOffsetLeft, End: endOffsetLeft, Left: []byte(`<span class="gd input-block">`), Right: []byte(`</span>`), WantInner: 0})
				anns = append(anns, &annotate.Annotation{Start: beginOffsetRight, End: endOffsetRight, Left: []byte(`<span class="gi input-block">`), Right: []byte(`</span>`), WantInner: 0})

				if '@' != lineFirstChar {
					//leftContent := string(src[beginOffsetLeft:endOffsetLeft])
					//rightContent := string(src[beginOffsetRight:endOffsetRight])
					// This is needed to filter out the "-" and "+" at the beginning of each line from being highlighted.
					// TODO: Still not completely filtered out.
					leftContent := ""
					for line := lastDel; line < lastIns; line++ {
						leftContent += "\x00" + string(lines[line][1:]) + "\n"
					rightContent := ""
					for line := lastIns; line < lineIndex; line++ {
						rightContent += "\x00" + string(lines[line][1:]) + "\n"

					var sectionSegments [2][]*annotate.Annotation
					highlight_diff.HighlightedDiffFunc(leftContent, rightContent, &sectionSegments, [2]int{beginOffsetLeft, beginOffsetRight})

					anns = append(anns, sectionSegments[0]...)
					anns = append(anns, sectionSegments[1]...)
			lastDel, lastIns = -1, -1


	out, err := annotate.Annotate(src, anns, template.HTMLEscape)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return out, nil