Replacing WordPress with GitHub Issues-like blog comments

This is obviously inspired by the recent Replacing Disqus with GitHub Comments post on HN.

I wanted to share something similar I've done with my blog. You're looking at it now. It's not using Disqus or any heavyweight 3rd party solution for comments.

Instead, I've created something very simple, similar to GitHub Issues frontend UI and backend, and used that. The backend is completely pluggable (it's an interface), so it can be implemented by talking to real GitHub API, or any custom implementation you want. My blog uses a simple JSON files implementation, so I can avoid a heavyweight database dependency.

When I first created it, I was using yet another issues.Service implementation that was exposing my original WordPress blog (via its export as XML functionality). But eventually I migrated that into the current filesystem-backed store, which lets me edit and create new blog posts easily.

Oh, and I've also implemented reactions. Not just 6, all of them.

You're welcome to test out comments here, similar to I rely on GitHub for authentication (I didn't want to make people come up with yet another password).

(Update on 2020-03-02: By now, you can also sign in via IndieAuth or RelMeAuth. See issue 34 for details.)


dmitshur closed this 8 years ago
dmitshur commented 8 years ago

This is a comment.

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago

This is another comment.

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dmitshur commented 8 years ago · edited

This is a comment with some markdown...

  • Listy
  • Listo
  1. Jumble
  2. Sale

Boldit or Italicit or strikeit



something something

var x = 3
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rezhajulio commented 8 years ago

Really cool, dude!

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rizkyramadhan commented 8 years ago


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motyar commented 8 years ago · edited by dmitshur

Testing it for a link

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motyar commented 8 years ago


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macleodsawyer commented 8 years ago

This is a brilliant way to do this. Absolutely love it - especially for the way developer blogs work.

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kentbrew commented 7 years ago · edited

I was wondering when somebody would get around to doing this.

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citrusui commented 7 years ago

Testing 123 (sorry if this sends you an email!)

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citrusui commented 7 years ago · edited


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citrusui commented 7 years ago · edited


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citrusui commented 7 years ago · edited


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dmitshur commented 7 years ago · edited

Hi @citrusui.

I do get notified about replies here, via notifications (not email). Is it working as you expected? Did you mean to post 4 comments?

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citrusui commented 7 years ago

@shurcooL No, I didn’t. Sorry! I wish you could delete comments.

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dmitshur commented 7 years ago · edited

No worries. Deleting comments isn't implemented yet, but maybe in the future. I'm tracking it in this issue. At least you can edit them, hehe.

In case your 4 posts were an accident, I think it might be because of this. I definitely want to fix that.

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dmitshur commented 7 years ago

This is just a test comment to check something...

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dmitshur commented 7 years ago

Another test comment to conclude my testing.

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tural-esger commented 7 years ago

how are you doing, Gopher?

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dmitshur commented 7 years ago

Doing well! How about yourself, @tural-esger? ;)

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nopynoop commented 6 years ago

This looks really cool! :)

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dmitshur reopened this 5 years ago
dmitshur commented 5 years ago

I've decided to publish this post on the blog front page now, so re-opening.

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to comment.