Add initial support for merged event.
dmitshur committed 6 years ago commit 4078cbd654dfe8348eb9823fceb3c310a63c6ce1
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@@ -313,10 +313,13 @@ func (s service) ListTimeline(ctx context.Context, rs string, id uint64, opt *ch
							RequestedReviewer struct {
								githubqlActor `graphql:"...on Actor"`
						} `graphql:"...on ReviewRequestRemovedEvent"`
						MergedEvent struct {
						} `graphql:"...on MergedEvent"`
						PullRequestReview struct {
							Author    githubqlActor
							CreatedAt githubql.DateTime
							State     githubql.PullRequestReviewState
						} `graphql:"...on PullRequestReview"`
@@ -468,10 +471,13 @@ func (s service) ListTimeline(ctx context.Context, rs string, id uint64, opt *ch
		case "ReviewRequestRemovedEvent":
			e.Actor = ghActor(event.ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.Actor)
			e.CreatedAt = event.ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.CreatedAt.Time
			// TODO: Move RequestedReviewer field to changes-only events (it doesn't apply to issues).
			e.RequestedReviewer = ghActor(event.ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.RequestedReviewer.githubqlActor)
		case "MergedEvent":
			e.Actor = ghActor(event.ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.Actor)
			e.CreatedAt = event.ReviewRequestRemovedEvent.CreatedAt.Time
		case "PullRequestReview":
			switch event.PullRequestReview.State {
			case githubql.PullRequestReviewStateApproved:
				// TODO: Make this a thing that ListComments returns, etc. After all, it can have a non-empty body.
				e.Type = "ApprovedEvent"
@@ -485,12 +491,11 @@ func (s service) ListTimeline(ctx context.Context, rs string, id uint64, opt *ch
		timeline = append(timeline, e)

	// We can't just delegate pagination to GitHub because our timeline items don't match up 1:1,
	// we want to skip IssueComment in the timeline, etc.
	// THINK: Or maybe they can be made to match up? Investigate.
	// we want to skip Commit in the timeline, etc.
	if opt != nil {
		start := opt.Start
		if start > len(timeline) {
			start = len(timeline)