Dep ensure fails on this package

Closedbenburleson opened this issue 6 years ago
benburleson commented 6 years ago

I'm getting this error:

Solving failure: remote repository at does not exist, or is inaccessible: fatal: not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?
: exit status 128

Is something wrong with the repo?

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dmitshur commented 6 years ago

Thanks for reporting. I am not aware of anything being wrong with the repo, but it seems we’ll need to investigate.

Were you using the latest version of dep? How can I reproduce this?

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dmitshur commented 6 years ago

I tried installing the latest version of dep, then did dep init followed by dep ensure in a project that uses kebabcase. Both commands ran successfully and produced expected output. I didn’t get the error you showed. Can you please provide more information on how to reproduce this?

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benburleson commented 6 years ago

I updated dep and couldn't reproduce..


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benburleson closed this 6 years ago
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