@@ -25,10 +25,33 @@ struct Library Go_Device_MakeLibrary(void * device, _GoString_ source) {
return Device_MakeLibrary(device, _GoStringPtr(source), _GoStringLen(source));
import "C"
// GPUFamily is a family of GPUs.
// Reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtlgpufamily.
type GPUFamily uint16
// Options for families of GPUs.
const (
GPUFamilyApple1 GPUFamily = 1001 // Apple family 1 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A7 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple2 GPUFamily = 1002 // Apple family 2 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A8 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple3 GPUFamily = 1003 // Apple family 3 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A9 and A10 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple4 GPUFamily = 1004 // Apple family 4 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A11 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple5 GPUFamily = 1005 // Apple family 5 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A12 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple6 GPUFamily = 1006 // Apple family 6 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A13 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple7 GPUFamily = 1007 // Apple family 7 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A14 and M1 GPUs.
GPUFamilyApple8 GPUFamily = 1008 // Apple family 8 GPU features that correspond to the Apple A15 and M2 GPUs.
GPUFamilyMac1 GPUFamily = 2001 // Mac family 1 GPU features.
GPUFamilyMac2 GPUFamily = 2002 // Mac family 2 GPU features.
GPUFamilyCommon1 GPUFamily = 3001 // Common family 1 GPU features.
GPUFamilyCommon2 GPUFamily = 3002 // Common family 2 GPU features.
GPUFamilyCommon3 GPUFamily = 3003 // Common family 3 GPU features.
GPUFamilyMetal3 GPUFamily = 5001 // Metal 3 features.
// FeatureSet defines a specific platform, hardware, and software configuration.
// Reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtlfeatureset.
type FeatureSet uint16
@@ -332,10 +355,18 @@ func CopyAllDevices() []Device {
// Device returns the underlying id<MTLDevice> pointer.
func (d Device) Device() unsafe.Pointer { return d.device }
// SupportsFamily reports whether device d supports
// the feature set of GPU family gf.
// Reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtldevice/3143473-supportsfamily.
func (d Device) SupportsFamily(gf GPUFamily) bool {
return bool(C.Device_SupportsFamily(d.device, C.uint16_t(gf)))
// SupportsFeatureSet reports whether device d supports feature set fs.
// Reference: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/metal/mtldevice/1433418-supportsfeatureset.
func (d Device) SupportsFeatureSet(fs FeatureSet) bool {
return bool(C.Device_SupportsFeatureSet(d.device, C.uint16_t(fs)))